All Day Closure
Nordonia Hills City School District are closed today due to inclement weather.

Board of Education

2025 Board Meetings

Watch Board of Education Meetings Live:  HERE

January 13 (Organizational Meeting) 6:00 PM
January 13 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM
February 18 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM
March 18 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
April 22 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
May 19 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
June 30 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
July 21 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
August 25 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
September 22 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
October 20 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
November 17 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM 
December 15 (Regular Meeting) 7:00 PM

Regular meetings are held in the Northfield Elementary Gymnasium/Cafeteria and begin at 7 p.m. Special meetings are held in the Irene Beville Center (IBC), which is the conference room in the Board of Education building.

IBC address:                                                  
9370 Olde Eight Road
Northfield, OH 44067
Northfield Elementary School address:
9374 Olde Eight Road
Northfield, OH 44067

Register to Speak at a Board Meeting


The Board of Education desires citizens of the District to attend its sessions so that they may become better acquainted with the operation of the schools and so that the Board may have an opportunity to hear the comments, suggestions and concerns of the public.  In an effort to inform citizens in advance of matters to be considered at the Board meetings, advance notice of all regular and special meetings will be provided to the community media.  Agenda items that are anticipated at the time of the press release for each meeting may be briefly outlined. 

Although the public has the right to attend Board meetings, it has no inherent right to participate in the deliberations of the Board without its consent. Speakers may offer such objective criticisms of school operations and programs as concern them.  But in public session, the Board has the right to request that complaints about school personnel or against any person connected with the school system be directed to the appropriate administrator.  Other channels provide for Board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individual employees of the District. 

The President of the Board may recognize persons requesting to be heard during the public commentary periods of the meeting.  

Persons or delegates who desire to be heard during a meeting must register to speak by using the speaker sign-in sheet, which will be made available to the public at the meeting location not less than one (1) hour before the meeting is scheduled to begin.  A registrant is required to supply on the speaker sign-in sheet his/her name, address, the topic that he/she will address, and the time that the request to speak was made. The speaker sign-in sheet will be collected immediately prior to the start of the meeting.  

A person wishing to speak may also fill out the Open Forum Registration at any time up to the meeting at which they wish to speak is called to order. 

The presiding officer of each Board meeting at which public participation is permitted shall administer the rules of the Board for its conduct.  Where his/her ruling is disputed, it may be overruled by a majority of those Board members present and voting.  Additional rules of public participation can be found in Board Policy 1.16

If you would like to participate during the Open Forum section of the upcoming Board meeting, please complete the following information: Open Forum Registration

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