
Transportation Information

Bus Stop Information :
You will need your student’s School ID number (no 0’s in front) as the Log-In and their Birthdate (no punctuation, ex. 08192022) as the password to access the E-Link. 

Click on Student to find their bus information. Bus stop information will go live on August 14th. Bus routes are identified by numbers. This includes the approximate a.m. pick-up and location and the p.m. drop-off time and location. Pick-up and drop-off times may vary at the beginning of the year, as routes need a couple of weeks to become routine. 

Log-In  -  student’s School ID number (no 0’s in front) 
Password - Birthdate (no punctuation, ex. 08192022)

Bus stop change request:

Nordonia Hills City Schools efficiently manages the transportation of around 3500 students. Every year, we receive requests to modify bus stops for various reasons, such as adjustments needed due to parent/student work schedules, inclement weather conditions, lack of safe pathways or snow clearance, lengthy walking distances, and obscured visibility of stops from residences. While we fully acknowledge these valid concerns, it's important to note that we may not always be able to accommodate every single request. We greatly appreciate your understanding in this matter.

If you wish to initiate a change in your bus stop, kindly complete the Bus Stop Change Request Form and send it via email to [email protected]. Following the review process, you will receive an email response. Prior to submitting your email, please ensure that you fulfill the Bus Stop and Routing Criteria. We sincerely thank you for your cooperation.

Bus Stop Change Request Form

Emergency Situations
For emergencies, if a student needs to go to another location, the parent must fill out the Emergency One-Day Bus Pass Form from this webpage and submit it to the student's principal for approval.

Once approved, the student must present the bus pass to the bus driver when boarding. Without an emergency bus pass from the school, students cannot ride a different bus or disembark at a different stop. These passes are only approved for true emergencies at existing stops, where there is available capacity to add a student to the required route.

Before and After School Care:
Commercial state-licensed daycare providers must be within two miles of the elementary school of residence. If your student is scheduled to attend daycare, please complete a Transportation Form.

Approved commercial daycare providers are listed at the bottom of your transportation form by the school building they service.

Private School Transportation
When Nordonia is not in session, shuttles will be provided for private schools to and from NHS. Students must find their own transportation to Nordonia High School and home. Only students who reside within the Nordonia School District are permitted to ride the bus. Buses will not transport students if Nordonia School District has a snow/weather day. Please click the link below for specific details regarding all private school transportation.

Safety Rules – Riding the Bus – Tips for parents:
  • Please sit and face forward. No student is permitted to stand while riding the bus. 
  • Since there may be up to 2 students to a seat, it is crucial to share space but keep your hands to yourself. 
  • Drivers will assign seats. Do not move from your seat unless instructed by the bus driver.
  • Please click the Nordonia Conduct on the Bus link above for a comprehensive behavior guide.

Help us find you: Please display your street number clearly on your mailbox and home. Have all students at their designated bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Wear light clothing or carry a flashlight. This is especially helpful during dark mornings. These tips help us have accurate directions and help the bus driver find stops much more efficiently.

Loading – Entering the Bus:
• Arrive at your designated pick-up location five (5) minutes before your scheduled pick-up time.
• Wait in a safe location off the roadway. Your bus driver will determine this location. (Designated place of safety)
• Wait in a single file line and board the bus in an orderly manner, going immediately to your seat so that the bus is not delayed. 
• You must remain seated and facing forward at all times with the aisle clear while the bus is in motion.
Unloading – Exiting the Bus:
• When arriving at your school, you must remain seated until the driver has instructed you to exit the bus.
• When arriving home, you must stay seated in your seat until the bus arrives at your stop and has come to a complete stop.
• Do not walk up the aisle to the front of the bus while the bus is still moving.
• After exiting the bus, you must go to your designated safe place (determined by the bus driver). 
• Do not stop for the mail, paper, trashcans, etc. You must stay in your designated place of safety until the bus has safely pulled away.
Crossing the Roadway:
When it is necessary to cross the street to get on the bus, you must cross at least 10 feet away from the front of the bus. Always wait for the driver's hand signal to cross, as the driver is in a position to see traffic from both directions. Before entering the roadway, the student(s) should look in both directions to check for any traffic. Remember, if your driver sounds the horn, that means “DANGER.” After you have boarded the bus, go immediately to your seat and remain seated. 

If you are crossing to go home, when the driver gives the hand signal, you will cross to the traffic edge of the bus (center of the road). You must stop and check traffic in both directions on your own. The driver will watch for traffic as well. If the driver sounds the horn, this means “DANGER,” and you need to look around for the danger. If you do not see any danger, look back to the driver for further instructions.

After safely crossing the road, you must go to your designated safe place and wait until the bus has safely pulled away. Again, do not stop for the mail, paper, trash cans, etc.

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