August 1, 2024
Dear Ledgeview Families,
We are less than three weeks away from the beginning of the 2024-25 school year and Mrs. DeZort and I are back in the office starting to get ready for the school year! Please take a moment to review the information below regarding dates and times for our annual beginning of the school year events. School begins a little earlier this year compared to past year so please check dates carefully!
Withdrawing from the District: If you are receiving this email but your child will not be attending school in Nordonia this coming school year due to a change in residence please contact the main office at Ledgeview to receive a withdrawal form. This will allow us to release your child’s records to their new school in a timely manner and allow us to place new students into classrooms with accurate enrollment numbers. You can contact the office by phone at 330-467-0583 or email Mrs. Emily DeZort at [email protected].
Kindergarten Parent Information Night: Families with students registered for kindergarten should have already received an email this afternoon about Kindergarten Parent Information Night which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, from 6:30-7:30pm. Families will receive their child’s placement information, tour the building to learn more about Ledgeview and the kindergarten program and have a chance to meet their child’s kindergarten teacher. Families please expect another email early next week explaining the format of the event.
Roster Night: Ledgeview PTA will be hosting Roster Night on Wednesday, August 14 from 5-7pm.Families with children in grades 1-4 will be able to pick up their child's placement letter, enjoy a popsicle with their friends (as long as supplies last) and play on the playground. Please note that kindergarten students are also invited to this event but will receive their placement information the prior evening at Kindergarten Parent Information Night. Any placement letters that are not picked up on Roster Night or Kindergarten Information Night will be mailed to families the next morning.
Meet, Greet, & Drop: Our annual Meet, Greet and Drop will take place on Friday, August 16 from 5-7pm. All families are invited in to meet their teacher, visit their new classroom and drop off school supplies. Please be sure to visit the cafeteria during the event to take advantage of other opportunities available to families this evening:
Our Ledgeview PTA will be on hand to provide membership information, PTA activities information and sell spirit wear. This year they will also have a photo booth available for families, complete with school related signs and props!
Mrs. Emily DeZort, our school secretary, will accept payment for school fees (check or exact change only) and answer questions. Fee payment is also available on the website using the EZ Pay option on the school website.
Mrs. Pam Gubana, our cafeteria manager, will also be in the cafeteria to take the finger image for all kindergartners and new students to set up students’ cafeteria account access.
Information for the before and after school care program will be available and a representative available to answer your questions.
School clinic personnel will be available to answer questions, provide forms for prescription and non-prescription medication to be administered at school and accept medication.
Staggered Start for the 2022-23 School Year: Please be sure to look over the staggered start schedule for the beginning of the year. Please note for the first two weeks Kindergarten students have a very different schedule than grades 1-4.
Grades 1-4
· A-K attend Tuesday, August 20
· L-Z attend Wednesday, August 21
· All 1-4 students attend regularly starting Wednesday, August 22
· By appointment only August 20,21,22
· A-K Friday, August 23
· L-Z Monday, August 26
· A-K Tuesday, August 27
· L-Z Wednesday, August 28
· All kindergarten students attend regularly starting Thursday, August 29
General Arrival and Dismissal Times: Arrival and dismissal times remain the same for the upcoming 24-25 school year. Our doors will be open between 8:40-8:55am for students to arrive. Starting at 8:55am an adult dropping off students must park in the school parking and walk their child into the school to sign their child in. Class begins at 9am. Students who arrive after 9am are considered tardy. Dismissal begins at 3:30pm. Ledgeview serves breakfast between 8:30-8:50am.
Please expect to receive a series of emails from me with more detailed information regarding arrival and dismissal information, general information and important dates for the upcoming school year over the course of the next week.
If you have any question about this or other information please feel free to contact the Ledgeview Main Office. Our office hours through August 16 are 8:30am to 3pm. The phone number for the main office is: 330-467-0583. My direct line is: 330-908-6304. Our wonderful Ledgeview administrative assistant, Mrs. Emily DeZort can be reached by email at [email protected]. I can be reached by email at [email protected].
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Kristen M. Cottrell
Ledgeview Elementary