
Toolkit to Help Parents and Educators Understand Dyslexia

This toolkit helps parents and educators learn about dyslexia and how to support the literacy development of students with dyslexia.
Understanding Dyslexia | National Center on Improving Literacy

There is so much to learn right now - both about dyslexia and about the requirements associated with this bill. Right now, however, we want to focus on dyslexia itself: what it is, what it isn’t, and what’s most critical to understand as we move forward with the new legislative and policy requirements. We're talking with Dr. Sarah Sayko, Deputy Director of the National Center on Improving Literacy, and she joins SST8 literacy leads to answer 8 FAQs regarding dyslexia. Listen now on Anchor or your favorite podcasting app.

Here is a Dyslexia Resource Guide for Ohio Families.
View text-based website