
Nordonia Middle School
Building Photo2024101144618752_image.jpg
73 Leonard Avenue
Northfield, OH 44067
Phone: 330.467.0584
Fax: 330.468.6719
Attendance: 330-908-6160
Safe School Hotline: 330.908.6166
8:00 AM – 2:50 PM
HEAD COACH:  Doug Del Rosa

If anyone is interested in joining the Middle School wrestling team, practices will begin on Monday November 18th.  The wrestlers will be bussed up to the High School to practice there each day from 3:30 - 5:30 and can be picked up at the high school after practice.  If you have any questions have the wrestlers come and see Mr. Merhar during advisory or email me at robert.merhar@nordoniaschools.org. 

*Conditioning is encouraged but not mandatory.

-All athletes must have a copy of a current OHSAA pre-participation physical with them or on-file and both parent and student forms completed electronically in Final Forms in order to try-out. (These forms are in addition to the forms filled out for the school.)  NO PHYSICAL AND FINAL FORMS. NO TRYOUT.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Middle School Athletic Director-Dan Wallace at Dan Wallace or 
Middle School Athletic Secretary-Kelly Labonte at Kelly Labonte

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